Re: [PATCH] sysctl-controlled number of groups.
From: Rusty Russell
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 03:29:37 EST
In message <20030924211417.A16753@xxxxxxxxxx> you write:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 01:21:01PM +1000, Rusty Russell wrote:
> > We have a client (using SAMBA) who has people in 190 groups. Since NT
> > has hierarchical groups, this is not all that rare.
> >
> > What do people think of this patch?
> Excuse me but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I've been sending that patch since last
> year.
Yes, I saw this (google sent me to a much older version when I looked,
but I just found your more recent one).
I like the fact that you have no internal array, but I like the fact
that I preserve the raw groups pointer. You go furthur and try to do
better than linear search, too, I was aiming for minimalism.
> No sysctl - I didn't think it was needed at all.
Perhaps, but I was being cautious. With the default setting, it's
identical to the current situation.
Anyone who quotes me in their sig is an idiot. -- Rusty Russell.
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