Horiffic SPAM

From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 13:14:42 EST

Hello all,

I took root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx off the linux-kernel list
for a few days so I can trap the spammers and write their
addresses to `ipchains`. I have been getting approximately
12,000 email messages per day on that system, making it
impossible to use. It's all about the servers spreading
the M$ email virus with the phony message to update to the
latest security patches, plus a few hundred "penis-patch" spam
messages per hour.

Anyway, I am trying to fight back. I have attached a
tar-file which contains the source-code I use to create
anti-spam entries for `ipchains`. It also automatically
ties up the spammers and sends them an email message
asking them to stop, plus it logs the connections.


Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
Penguin : Linux version 2.2.15 on an i586 machine (330.14 BogoMips).

Attachment: mailer.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data