Synaptics bk8 + patches

From: Ricardo Galli
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 03:26:51 EST

I just tried your last patches at

They not only gives the sync's error:

Synaptics driver lost sync at 4th byte
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver resynced.
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver lost sync at 1st byte
Synaptics driver resynced.

but also the pointer is almost uncontrollable.

The pointer's response is not coherent, mainly the speed. Sometimes is
slower, other faster, sometimes the mouse even doesn't move, especially
in the y axis.

Also, most of the time a tap is considered a very short drag.


ricardo galli GPG id C8114D34

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