Re: Badness in as_completed_request in 2.6.0-test5-bk3

From: Nick Piggin
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 20:33:17 EST

Ludovico Gardenghi wrote:

[I'm very sorry if this message appears 2 or 3 times, but I sent it once
with a address; their DNS appears to be down in this
period so didn't accept my mail.]


I've read about this error and that it should have been patched in

I tried it because I got a lot of them with 2.6.0-test5 while removing
lots of files (i.e. while starting sn at boot time), but I got the same error
messages with 2.6.0-test5-bk3; moreover, i had also some "attempt to
access beyond end of device" errors while trying to read a file from the
same partition. Here are the messages:

Hi Ludovico,

Thanks for the report. The AS messages should be harmless. The warn
statement is an incorrect assertion (I'm actually surprised the only
reports of it are IDE TCQ). It should not be the cause of the attempt
to access beyond the end of device messages.

I think IDE TCQ is not 100% stable at the moment (Jens?) and you have
to do things like ensure only one drive on the cable (not a master and
slave). Your best option is to turn TCQ off. You could try booting with
the argument elevator=deadline, however. That would fix it if it were
an AS problem.

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