2.4.9 vs 2.4.22 CPU/VM/Sched diffs

From: dual_bereta_r0x
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 07:04:33 EST

Hello all.

We at Half-Life Dedicated Server Linux list are in a warm debat about changes in 2.4.9 CPU/VM/Scheduling code versus the actual 2.4.22 ones.

Some guys are reporting a huge cpu decrease usage in the "old" 2.4.9 kernel version, about 40% lesser.

Others are talking about "broken top/ps" tools, but we aren't using these tools, but the "stats" command inside our gaming console.

In a quick find, we've not seen any "significant" change, nor nothing to really explain this change.

Please, can someone "revive" this "changelog" and answer us if this is really happening? Was really a real change in these params/code?!

Also, some specs also include extra packages and changes: the -ac9 patch, ext3-2.4-0.9.9-249ac9 patch and param.h HZ base freq changes (200, 500, 700, 1000...).

Please CC me, as i'm not subscribed to list.

If one wants to view the full debat, archives exist at http://list.valvesoftware.com/mailman/private/hlds_linux/ (must subscribe before, sorry), September 2003, in thread "[hlds_linux] HOW TO GET SUPER LOW CPU USE!! THANK DLINKOZ"

Sorry about my poor english. Thanks in advance.

dual_bereta_r0x -- Alexandre Hautequest
ArenaNetwork Lan House & Cyber -- www.arenanetwork.com.br

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