Re: 2.6.0-test4-mm5

From: Nick Piggin
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 00:13:50 EST

Diego Calleja García wrote:

El Tue, 2 Sep 2003 23:18:12 -0700 Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxx> escribió:

. Dropped out Con's CPU scheduler work, added Nick's. This is to help us
in evaluating the stability, efficacy and relative performance of Nick's

We're looking for feedback on the subjective behaviour and on the usual
server benchmarks please.

I must say that this one doesn't feel nice under heavy gcc load. Huge mp3
skips that didn't happened before, big pauses in X...gcc starves anything else.
-mm4 was better there.

Hmm... what's heavy gcc load?

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