Reading accurate size of recepts from serial port

From: Laurent Hugé
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 03:33:56 EST


I feel sorry to annoy you again with my problem, but I can't imagine there is
no way to know the accurate size of a recept on the serial port.

I'm trying to implement a network driver above this port :
- I've done a raw read from 0x03f8 but it was not fast enougth (I'm working
at 115200 bauds) ;
- I've created a line discipline, but it can't (according to this mailing
list) give me the real size of what was read.
Does anybody know a way to read from the serial port with speed and accuracy ?

I'm really confused because the serial driver on Windows can do such a thing,
and, since I've no other way to find the size of PDU (CCSDS segments), I'm
obliged to rely on the serial port to let me know that size.
Thanks in advance,
Laurent Hugé.

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