Re: [PATCH] O17int

From: Wes Janzen
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 16:21:43 EST

My last reply didn't make it to the list due to an html attachment. Mozilla is supposed to strip those but apparently does not sometimes...

Con Kolivas wrote:

Umm. You didn't mention which kernel/patch? I seem to recall you were using Osomething but which?

For the record, that's 2.6.0-test3-mm2 + O16.3int

If this is Osomething, can you tell me when it started doing this and what vanilla does.

Again, for posterity, this started with mm2, mm1 is similar to vanilla except it has better interactivity. I've been running vanilla overnight and today but haven't found any cases where it stalls like mm2 does.

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