Doubt: core not dumped when binary give up root privileges.

From: Alexandre Pereira Nunes
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 14:32:51 EST


I wrote a program which runs with uid 0, but later give up root privs by calling setreuid(x, x) where x is an unprivileged user.
Before doing that, it chdirs to a directory owned by that unprivileged user, with mode 700.

The program explicitly sets RLIMIT_CORE to RLIM_INFINITY when still running with uid 0.

If instead of calling the program as root, I call it from the non-priv uid in question, if it crashes, it dumps core on the mentioned dir. That's the desired behaviour, since I can then take the core and debug. But if I run it as root (in fact, I would have to), and it crashes (or is forced to ,by means of kill -SEGV), after it gives up root credentials, it won't leave a core dump file, which in turn means I cannot debug it later.

Any ideas?

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