Re: Dumb question: Why are exceptions such as SIGSEGV not logged

From: Ihar 'Philips' Filipau
Date: Sun Aug 17 2003 - 09:31:44 EST

Alan Cox wrote:

I do not see how it relates to abends.
It logs _everything_, what is not that useful. Having some kind of filter what to log - whould be just great. Or alternatively ability to pass file descriptor - not file name.

It generates a small record for each exit, its trivial to parse the exit
codes for exits caused by an exception.

Silly question. Related.
Is it possible to make kernel to print oops when SIGSEGV/SIGILL is registered, but execution was in kernel space?
I'm not sure about current status - but this /feature/ was advertised for Linux kernels: when we have a crash in kernel space e.g. in sytem call that calling user space application which will crash. And no notice about the fact, that it was actually crash inside of Linux kernel.
Am I right or am I wrong?

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