Re: Trying to run 2.6.0-test3

From: Norman Diamond
Date: Sun Aug 17 2003 - 05:37:20 EST

I knew it. I knew it.

With a PS/2 keyboard, on a text console, only the yen and pipe key is
broken. But with a USB keyboard, on a text console, the backslash and
underbar key is broken right along with the yen and pipe key. These famous
two keys produce no input.

A few years ago I tried to persuade Andries Brouwer or Vojtech Pavlik to
accept a USB keyboard but they refused. The patch which I sent to Vojtech
Pavlik was ignored and these two keys continued not to work (except on my
machine). Finally Mike Fabian accepted a gift of a USB keyboard and this
defect in Linux got fixed. But only for somewhere around the last half of
the 2.4 releases, not for 2.6.

What will it take this time?

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