Re: [PATCH] revert zap_other_threads breakage, disallow CLONE_THREADwithout CLONE_DETACHED

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 13:08:14 EST

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Don't forget to mention that software that may be run on 2.5 kernels
> needs to set both bits, else won't work as expected.

Well, the CLONE_DETACHED without CLONE_THREAD case was never legal, and my
current patch will actually warn about the newly disallowed case too. I've
not gotten any warnings with RH-9, and I don't think anybody else has a
new enough glibc to even use CLONE_THREAD at all.

But yes, there will be a warning, at least for a time (and eventually
we'll just return -EINVAL silently - ie the program will _fail_ the
clone(), it won't just act strangely).


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