Re: Suggestion for a new system call: convert file handle to a cookie for transfering file handles between processes.

From: Ingo Oeser (
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 13:39:24 EST

Hi Ramon,

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 07:47:11PM +0200, RAMON_GARCIA_F wrote:
> Let cdwritter be a program for writting CDs. Unlike other programs,
> cdwritter is rationally designed. It is a server process that listens
> through a named pipe, thus making it easy to write either command line
> or graphical interfaces that use its functionality. The named pipe
> is called /var/run/cdwritter
Calling this tool simply with an argument (eg. CD to write) and
accepting commands from stdin, outputting status info on stdout
and errors on stderr is even simpler and requires no API changes ;-)

> An alternative would be that cdwritter accepts a file name instead of
> a cookie. But then, the author of cdwritter would have to check if the
> user has permission to access the file. This makes cdwritter more error
> prone.
With my suggested change this is done implicitly.

But with that cookie suggestion in place, to remove the ability
for fds to be reference countable, since the user can build
circular dependencies now, which he for now can just do with
AF_UNIX sockets.


Ingo Oeser
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