Re: [PATCH] Synaptics TouchPad driver for 2.5.70

From: AlberT (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 13:29:42 EST

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 20:16, Peter Osterlund wrote:

> The w value is somewhat special and not really a real axis. According
> to the Synaptics TouchPad Interfacing Guide
> (, W is defined as
> follows:
> Value Needed capability Interpretation
> W = 0 capMultiFinger Two fingers on the pad.
> W = 1 capMultiFinger Three or more fingers on the pad.
> W = 2 capPen Pen (instead of finger) on the pad.
> W = 3 Reserved.
> W = 4-7 capPalmDetect Finger of normal width.
> W = 8-14 capPalmDetect Very wide finger or palm.
> W = 15 capPalmDetect Maximum reportable width; extremely
> wide contact.
> Is there a better way than using ABS_MISC to pass the W information to
> user space?

may be W stays for Width ??

ASB_WIDTH would be something more significant !??

<?php echo '       Emiliano `AlberT` Gabrielli       '."\n".
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'  IRC:    #php,#AES '."\n".'ICQ: 158591185'; ?>
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