RE: 2.4.22 timeline was RE: 2.4.21-rc7 ACPI broken

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 19:44:59 EST

On Llu, 2003-06-09 at 23:03, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> Yes, I want to, and will merge it. In 2.4.23-pre.
> > I am confident it will merge cleanly.
> > I am confident it will cause no problems when CONFIG_ACPI=off.
> > I am confident the total number of working machines will go up.
> > I am willing to bet $500 of MY OWN MONEY on this.
> >
> > Talk to me, man. What would make you happy? A lot is riding on this.
> Yes, we're fine. 2.4.23-pre.
> 2.4.22 will be a fast enough release to not piss you off on this, trust
> me.

Its been in 2.4.21-ac for a while. I have exactly zero reports of it
causing problems in the acpi=n case, and a whole raft of "the first
Linux that runs on my toshiba/compaq/hp laptop"

Works well enough for me to have faith in it now.

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