2.5.70-mm2 causes performance drop of random read O_DIRECT

From: Steven Pratt (slpratt@austin.ibm.com)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 18:32:29 EST

Starting in 2.5.70-mm2 and continuing in the mm tree, there is a
significant degrade in random read for block devices using O_DIRECT.
 The drop occurs for all block sizes and ranges from 30%-40. CPU usage
is also lower although it may already be so low as to be irrelavent.

                                 tolerance = 0.00 + 3.00% of 2.5.70-mm1
             2.5.70-mm1 2.5.70-mm2
 Blocksize KBs/sec KBs/sec %diff diff tolerance
---------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------------ ------------
      4096 1567 924 -41.03 -643.00 47.01 *
      8192 3057 1815 -40.63 -1242.00 91.71 *
     16384 5745 3509 -38.92 -2236.00 172.35 *
     65536 17357 11283 -34.99 -6074.00 520.71 *
    262144 37537 27302 -27.27 -10235.00 1126.11 *

Full results can be found at:


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