Re: [RFC] New system device API

From: Pavel Machek (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 16:07:07 EST


> > You are currently adding more methods and semantics just to make
> > system devices separate from "normal" ones. If you keep two-stage
> > (actually three-stage suspend), you'll have system devices similar to
> > normal ones, and will have less special cases to care about.
> The whole point of doing this is because system devices are not regular
> devices and shouldn't be treated as such. This actually simplifies the
> requirements for representing system devices in the device hierarchy,
> despite adding new functions..

Okay, but you should keep "new" functions as similar to existing ones
as possible. That means 3 parameters for suspend functions, and as
similar semantics to existing callbacks as possible.

> > And keyboard controller with its devices needs to be suspended
> > early/resumed late because both operations are likely to need
> > interrupts.
> So? A keyboard controller is not classified as a system device.

Its not on pci, I guess it would end up as a system device...

When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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