From: Mark Hahn <>
> > > What are .s files in arch/i386/boot, are they c sources of some sort?
> no. is there some reason you can't just look at them?
> > > > Where can I find the specifications documents they were made from?
> > >
> > > There are not c files.
> > > They are assembler files
> .s files are versions of .S files that have been run through cpp (gcc -E).
> you can know this simply by looking at the makefiles or watching a build,
> or by looking at the .s file and noticing the #line directives.
> > > Try running gcc on a c file with the -S option
> > > it will generate the same then you can tweak the
> > > assembler produced to make it faster.
> that's useful advice, but irrelevant in this case.
> > Where can I find the .c files they were made from,
> they aren't.
> > and the spec sheets the .c files were made from?
> what the heck is a "spec sheet"?
I mean where can I find the information from which
"* It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
* at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts. "
-- bootsect.S
The ability to know how to get the BIOS to do that comes from, e.g. a
book that can tell me how to do that without taking another degree...
Where the information can be found, that says what BIOS memory
area 0x90200 is for etc.
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