Re: siimage driver status

From: Rob Browning (
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 12:23:54 EST

Alan Cox ( writes:
> On Iau, 2003-05-29 at 15:32, Wm. Josiah Erikson wrote:
> > hard drives that I'm trying to get to work with linux 2.4.21-rc6. The
> > problem I'm having is that it's REALLY slow and crashy. The kernel reports
> > this on bootup:
> I'm running the siimage driver fine with several drives. Your setup
> is intriguing in that the BIOS has chosen to leave the drives in PIO
> mode

As an extra datapoint I have very a very similar problem with a WD360
drive and an siimage 3112 PCI controller on a shuttle (via-based)
AK31V2.0 motherboard.

The sii3112 interfaces show up as ide0 and ide1 (can that be changed?)
using MMIO-DMA/pio. Testing the drive as-is results in ~3.5MB/s
transfer rates (via hdparm -t), and attempting to enable DMA via
"hdparm -d 1" results in an immediate lockup the next time the drive
is accessed.

When I get another chance, I'll probably try the two fixes others in
this thread have suggested:

  hdparm -X66 -d1 /dev/hda

and if that still has trouble under load, someone suggested:

  echo "max_kb_per_request:15" > /proc/ide/hda/settings

Hope this helps.

(I'm not on the list right now, so please cc any replies you want to
 make sure I see -- thanks.)

Rob Browning
rlb and; previously
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