Re: Strange load issues with 2.5.69/70 in both -mm and -bk trees.

From: Tom Sightler (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 14:27:11 EST

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 13:28, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> to prove this point, could you try and renice wineserver to -10 (as root)
> - does that fix the latency issues still?
> (if this doesnt then it could be the foreground process starving yet
> another process - we have to find out which one.)

Yes, I thought the same thing, and I did just that, but no, it doesn't
fix the latency issue. This system has very little running, I made sure
that there were no sound servers such as esd or arts running, nothing.
Basically, a plain KDE (with artsd disabled), mozilla, and Crossover
wine plugin. Even though I couldn't see how it would affect anything I
tried bumping up the priorities of other processes such as mozilla
itself, X, etc. Nothing fixed the problem except for lowering the
priority of the wine process.

Could this process be starving the kernel itself so that it simply
doesn't have time to service the sound correctly?


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