Roland Mas, 2003-06-01 13:09:58 +0200 :
> I seem to have the same problem, or at least a very similar one. I
> reported it in a message with subject "[OOPS] ide-ops:1262 in
> 2.4.21-rc3", posted to LKML last Sunday. You might like to read that
> message (it includes a ksymoops'ed panic trace). I have since then
> been able to reproduce with 2.4.21-rc6. I will try to get a more
> detailed analysis today, and post it tonight.
Done, in a message with subject "[OOPS] ide-scsi panic in 2.4.21-rc2,
-rc3, -rc6, -rc6-ac1", Cc:ed to various people.
-- Roland MasC c e e l m re q j l a l l iè e . -- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 3/3. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at
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