Re: Aix7xxx unstable in 2.4.21-rc2? (RE: Linux 2.4.21-rc2)

From: Marc-Christian Petersen (
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 10:31:00 EST

On Thursday 22 May 2003 17:19, Oliver Pitzeier wrote:

nothing more to say.

> Sven Krohlas <> wrote:
> > > Here goes release canditate 2. The aic7xxx problems should be fixed.
> >
> > I've still got the same stability problems as with rc1.
> > I booted rc2 and it was working fine for two or three hours.
> > Then I thought "Hey, while I go to work I could rip and
> > encode a CD". Well, so did I, and just as it started to rip
> > the 2nd track (and to encode the first one with oggenc) the
> > system froze. Sound stopped playing, the mouse froze, nothing
> > worked.
> You didn't see a kernel panic as well? I'm asking, because I have the same
> problems with one of my machines...
> When was this problem introduced? Does 2.4.19, or 2.4.20 work well?
> > As before I found nothing in the logs.
> Me too. The system freezes completly. I believed it's a problem with the
> temperature at our server housing location, but it seems it is not (mounted
> additional fans during the night and now the system is dead again).
> [ ... ]
> > My system is a AMD K6-2+, Asus P5A, SB AWE 64 ISA PnP (I used
> > Alsa 0.9.2, but in rc1 I also had problems without it),
> > nVidia TNT, two cheap network cards and a few disks.
> My one is a Dual-P III 1GHz... I have no USB, Sound or that stuff
> enabled... It's also a SCSI-only system if this does matter...
> Best regards,
> Oliver
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Kind regards
        Marc-Christian Petersen

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