This is the result of running the Reaim test against the
2.5.69 and 2.5.69-mm6 kernels. The -mm kernels are a bit
slower, and i'm wondering if i'm missing a tuning knob somewhere..
advice appreciated.
Re-aim is a rework of the AIM suite. (locations below)
Two data points i look at-
1. Maximum jobs per minute
2. Number of children when Jobs/second/child less than 1.0.
Load is the new_dbase load. (AIM7 dbase load with less synch IO)
System is a 4-CPU PIII with 4GB of physical
memory, test used 4 SCSI disks on a qlogicfc adapter.
Test is run with two different convergence methods, 3 runs each.
Peak load is the average of 3 runs, i pick the best results
regardless of convergence method.
Kernel Peak Load
2.5.69 - base 5216.68 Jobs/Minute
2.5.69-mm6(AS) 4963.36 JPM
2.5.69-mm6(deadline) 4966.71 JPM
2.5.69-mm7(AS) 4966.86 JPM
Load when JPS/child < 1.0 (c_ times are total for all children)
Average of six runs
Kernel Children JPM RunTime c_utime c_systime
2.5.69 - base 88 5185.88 104.87 376.01 40.28
2.5.69-mm6(AS) 84 4894.73 106.08 374.91 45.54
2.5.69-mm6(deadln) 84 4858.36 106.90 376.55 46.41
2.5.69-mm7(AS) 84 4853.80 106.95 378.02 46.26
Attempting a second pass of -mm7 caused the hang reported earlier.
report details and profile data at:
Reaim code at:
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