On Fri, 04/04/03 at 02:02:28 +0200, Andries Brouwer wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 11:11:48AM -0600, Brandon Low wrote:
> > http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18612
> >
> > This bug appears to be caused by using cfdisk's default allocation
> > on the last partition on a drive. From the looks of it on the user's
> > LBA mapped drive, cfdisk allocated a bunch of non-existant sectors
> > when the user allowed it to pick the default size for that last partition.
> (please break lines)
Heh, sorry about that.
> (in case something is wrong with cfdisk, tell the cfdisk maintainer,
> not the kernel list)
> (what kernel version is this? - I see, 2.4.20)
It is indeed 2.4.20 in the report.
> According to WD, this disk has 78,165,360 sectors.
> So, in case it was partitioned with such a size maybe nothing was wrong.
> The boot messages shown say:
> kenny kernel: hda: setmax LBA 78165360, native 78125000
> How come setmax has the right value and native has not?
> Did other software clip the disk?
> What is the identify data for this drive?
Interesting, I wonder why stock 2.4.20 would report it differently than the
new IDE stuff that is in our kernel, as that seems to be the problem.
> Was the partitioning done with a kernel that had CONFIG_IDEDISK_STROKE
> enabled?
Haven't heard of that option, I'll check with the bug reporter.
> Andries
Thanks a lot for the reply, it has at least helped us much to narrow things
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