Re: vesafb problem

From: Walt H (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 18:11:54 EST

Walt H wrote:

> Well, I've answered my own question regarding highmem. Reserving 256MB
> ram causes high-mem mapped IO to fail. I can have penguins, but no
> filesystems or no penguins and a useable system. I'm guessing that I
> could probably turn off HIGHMEM and HIGHMEM-IO and might be able to get
> penguins back, but at the cost of reduced system performance. I'm not a
> kernel hacker, but I might just see how bad I can break vesafb to remap
> only the necessary memory for the requested video mode. Perhaps that
> would fix the whole thing?
> -Walt

Well, here's what I've done. I've made a change in video/vesafb.c to
change __init vesafb_init to only allocate the amount of memory required
  for the requested framebuffer (I think). So far, it appears to work
fine. I haven't tried many modes yet, but it's worked with what I've
thrown at it. Thanks again,

The trivial change I made was changing this:

video_size = screen_info.lfb_size * 65536;

to this:

video_size = screen_info.lfb_width * screen_info.lfb_height * video_bpp;


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