Re: Accessing the same disk via multiple channels

From: Lars Marowsky-Bree (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 04:52:15 EST

On 2003-02-14T15:37:47,
   Patrick Mansfield <> said:

> Generic multi-path without the lower levels knowing anything can waste a
> lot of resources. For example, for each extra path to a block device
> (disk) we end up with an extra sd plus associated data structures, and an
> extra scsi_device including multiple request queues.

I think these somehow still need to be exposed so that userspace can do
per-path diagnostics; unless you also want to move this into the kernel space,
which I'm not sure about.

What we really need is better error handling and escalation so that a higher
layer actually has a chance at really well done recovery and retrying.

    Lars Marowsky-Brée <>

Principal Squirrel 
SuSE Labs - Research & Development, SuSE Linux AG
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