Re: Gigabit/SMP performance problem

From: Martin J. Bligh (
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 16:23:23 EST

> Well, judging by the fact that a UP kernel can route more traffic (and
> consequently more interrupts p/s) than an SMP kernel, I think that one cpu

Umm ... what are you comparing here? How many CPUs on your SMP kernel?
If I have an 8 CPU machine, you think it can handle less traffic than
a 1-cpu machine running a UP kernel?

> can probably handle all of the interrupts. Really the issue I'm trying to
> solve is not routing performance, but rather the fact that SMP routing
> performance is worse while using twice the cpu time (2 cpu's at around 95%
> vs. 1 at around 95%).

Can you mail out kernel profiles? What's burning all the time here?



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