Re: GPL and Nvidia

From: Andre Hedrick (
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 16:56:00 EST

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Bill Davidsen wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> > I think we were suckered into the GPL by lawyers ;)
> >
> > Seriously though, I believe the GPL is the biggest impediment to
> > gnu/linux and open source software that anyone could possibly come up
> > with. Frankly I'm suprised NVidia and others bother supporting linux,
> > but am very glad they do.
> >
> > IMO The only license we need is
> >
> > "Here is, for what it's worth, some software. You can use it in any way
> > you like; modify it, fix it and if you can make some money from it -
> > great! Go feed your family. Fixes, changes and improvements are always
> > welcome, but not mandatory. Enjoy!"
> We don't need a 2nd BSD license, one is more than enough. Let Linux and
> BSD offer alternatives. Of course given the relative success of Linux and
> BSD I think we can safely say that the decision has been made as to which
> will be more appealing to users, although I'm not totally sure why.
> I actually prefer a license which says may be freely used in open source
> freely redistributable software, and otherwise requires a commercial
> license with royalty. In other words, "this is my gift to humanity to be
> freely used and enjoyed. If you insist on limiting or concealing it I want
> to make money on it, too."

Cheers! Another person of reason.
However you argument is flawed because how do you divide the royalty?
It can only work if there is a trusted body made up of sane people like
yourself and nutters like Hell.Surfers. Then you need a few kernel kooks
in the mix.

Something like a Corporate Board for Linux ... sigh ...

This will never happen, because ....


Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group

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