Re: 3rdparty modules for 2.5.53

From: Sam Ravnborg (
Date: Wed Jan 01 2003 - 13:24:39 EST

On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 07:19:24PM +0200, Albert Kajakas wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a problem with compiling modules for 2.5.
> i wrote a module for 2.4. For 2.5 (51,52,53) it compiles nicely, but insmod complains about invalid format. I have the latest module init tools of Rusty installed. I'm usin gcc 3.2. Do i have to use any special compiler/linker options or defines or whatever to generate a working module ? what could be the problem ? Even a simple hello-world module doesnt work. Although, i have a working 2.5.53 modular kernel that was built using same tools.

Try to folllow this reciept posted by Kai G.
Well, you can do

cd my_module
echo "obj-m := my_module.o" > Makefile
vi my_module.c
make -C <path/to/kernel/src> SUBDIRS=$PWD modules

That's not too bad (and basically works for 2.4 as well)

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