Re: Bugzilla bug tracking database for 2.5 now available.

From: Khoa Huynh (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 02:22:36 EST

Jeff Garzik wrote:

>> I'm more interested in contacting the admin to be a component
>> owner for sparc, for instance. Someone is going to have a significant
>> admin load, because Bugzilla is not going to be self-running.
>> Who is that person?
>Check out Martin's original announcement, as well as his recent one.
>I'm pretty pleased: they have staff that will help triage bugs and keep
>the garbage level low. Hopefully leaving the kernel hackers to do
>nothing more than fix bugs :)

Since people asked, I'd like to introduce myself as part of the
"staff" that has volunteered some free time devoting to maintaining
this Bugzilla; i.e., keeping the database well-groomed. My team
actually consists of folks in different IBM locations and time zones:
Austin, Texas; Poughkeepsie, New York; Beaverton, Oregon; Bangalore,
India, so hopefully, we can keep an "eye" on the database around the
clock. For the past two years, my team has been working Linux
bugs and contributed bug fixes in support of our internal teams,
and now, we have volunteered to help maintain this kernel bug
database in our free time. However, we expect that the bug
volume logged will be high, so the more people in the community
volunteer to help us maintain the database, the better.

Please let us know if you like to volunteer and the Bugzilla
administrator will give you enough "power" to do the job
(e.g., assigning bugs, closing bugs, screening bugs for
duplicates, invalid bugs, etc.).

Also if you have already used this kernel Bugzilla database,
you might have noticed that many components are currently
owned by Martin or myself. As Martin pointed out in his
announcement, this is not because we are "egomaniacs", but
rather because the rightful owners (or those who know enough
about these components and want to volunteer to work bugs)
have not been registered yet. Martin and I will try our best
to turn over these components to their rightful "owners"
as soon as we can. We are still learning the "ropes" on
how to do this effectively, so it will take some time
(not too long we hope). Thanks.

Khoa Huynh

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