Re: Filesystem Capabilities in 2.6?

From: Rando Christensen (
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 03:55:05 EST

Sun, 03 Nov 2002 05:50:24 -0500: Hacksaw (Hacksaw

> I still find "mount --bind --capability=xx,yy /usr/bin/foo
> /usr/bin/foo" to be a strange syntax. It implies that one is mounting
> /usr/bin/foo over /usr/bin/foo, and adding the xx,yy capabilities.

This could be an argument _for_ doing it this way. As a sysadmin myself,
this makes a lot of sense to me, and being able to catch it by looking
in a 'mount' command is certainly a sweet proposal-- That way you can
constantly monitor anything that needs extra capabilities very simply.

And if mount supported an argument to ONLY show capability remounts,
there's a quick 'showcap' for you.

< There is a light that shines on the frontier >
<   And maybe someday, We're gonna be there.   >
<    Rando Christensen /    >
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