Re: [PATCH] [2.4.19] Extended /proc/partitions

From: Petr Baudis (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 14:57:31 EST

Dear diary, on Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 08:19:22PM CET, I got a letter,
where told me, that...
> (1) These ioctls are used by existing programs. So, for example,
> # hdparm -g /dev/hda5
> will give you the starting offset (in 512-byte sectors) of /dev/hda5.
> Even better may be a command like
> # blockdev --report
> (2) Several programs, like mount, *fdisk, blockdev, read
> /proc/partitions. Changing the format will break all of these.
> So, it is best not to change anything, but if you do, only add
> fields at the end.
> Given this uncertainty about what comes after the currently present
> fields, it is now impossible to add anything new, unless all programs
> using /proc/partitions also parse the header line.
> It is best to consider /proc/partitions frozen. Linux 2.5 has
> driverfs, and although "cat /proc/partitions" is much more convenient
> than searching around in driverfs (sysfs), no doubt blockdev will be
> changed so as to report on sysfs, when that exists and is mounted.

Ah.. I see, then please disregard the patches. Didn't realize that hdparm
already can do it nor that it's exported thru driverfs in 2.5, sorry.

				Petr "Pasky" Baudis
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