non-critical ext3-fs errors?

From: Ed Sweetman (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 15:28:10 EST

I notice these errors every now and then on my 100GB WD drive
(partitioned into bits) and particularly on this partition that I
compile everything on.

EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,7)): ext3_readdir: bad entry in directory
#17821: directory entry across blocks - offset=24, inode=17822,
rec_len=4076, name_len=3

Now these errors dont cause the system to panic like other ext3 errors
do, so i'm wondering what the significance of these errors are. I'm
running 2.4.19-rc3 and the drive is on VIA vt82c686b (rev 40) IDE
UDMA100 controller with dma enabled.

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