Re: driverfs is not for everything! (was: [PATCH] /proc/scsi/map )

From: John Summerfield (
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 17:47:16 EST

> It's a matter of where to draw the line. Obviously when we're talking
> physical devices, my tcpip connection to is not one. My PS/2

I'm far from expert here, but isn't the network card important here?

> If a device can be accessed by multiple machines concurrently, it should not
> be in driverfs.

Back in the 1970s I used a computer where disk drives, tape drives and RAM
chould be physically connected to and used by more than one computer at once.

It was an IBM S/370 model 168 MP; you might argue the toss on the RAM, but the
disk drives were beyond argument.

On which devices should MVS have ignored power cycling?

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS:

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