4th Real Time Linux Workshop - Call for Papers

From: Der Herr Hofrat (der.herr@hofr.at)
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 00:57:29 EST

                     Real-Time Linux Workshop 2002
                            Dec 6-7 2002
             Computer Science Department, Boston University
              111 Cummington Street Boston, MA-02215, USA

Following the meetings of developers and users of real-time Linux
in Vienna, Orlando and Milano, the Real-Time Linux Workshop 2002
is held at the Computer Science Department, Boston University. If
you are interested to participate to the workshop as speaker we
invite you to send an abstract on one of the following topics:

  - real-time modifications and variants of the GNU/Linux operating system,
  - contributions and tools around and to real-time Linux variants,
  - real-time Linux applications, in academia, research and industry,
  - tools for embedding real-time Linux or real-time Linux,
  - embedded real-time Linux applications,
  - work in progress reports.

Please take a look at the online submission page, at our site on
http://www.realtimeLinuxfoundation.org/, by following the links to
Contents->Events->Real Time Linux Workshop 2002 -> Call for papers.

Real Time Linux Foundation, Inc.
The Thinking Nerds
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