Re: 2.5.12 severe ext3 filesystem corruption warning!

From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 16:58:13 EST wrote:
> >> 2.5.12, serious ext3 filesystem corrupting behavior
> I have had problems with 2.5.10 (first few blocks of the root
> filesystem overwritten) and then went back to 2.5.8 that I had
> used for a while already, but then also noticed corruption there.
> Back at 2.4.17 today..
> In my case the problem was almost certainly the IDE code.

hmm. Maybe. As Al says, the fact that it concerned
mapped files is deeply fishy.

Daniel, could you please check your logs for IDE
errors and "buffer layer errors" and also tell us
(as much as you can remember) the names of all the
affected files, and what application would have
written them.


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