Re: SEVERE Problems in 2.5.12 at uid0 access

From: Alexander Viro (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 13:18:54 EST

On Wed, 1 May 2002, Bob_Tracy wrote:

> Confirmed on a 2.5.11 system as well. Talk about your basic heart
> attack! I'd just installed Postfix and found that I couldn't access
> any of the directories under /var/spool/postfix. Fortunately (?),
> I've got older kernels to fall back on, and that's one of the hazards
> of running on the bleeding edge I reckon.
> Oh yeah... ext2 filesystem. I think this bug is at least mostly
> independent of the filesystem type.

Yes, it is. Look for the patch I've posted yesterday (subject was
something like "[PATCH] missing checks", IIRC).

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