Re: How to open files a process has mmapped

From: Corey Minyard (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 15:19:05 EST

Alan Cox wrote:

>>a file a process has mmap-ed. The trouble is that the file might be
>>deleted (this is actually likely in this scenario) so I can't just open
>>the file listed in /proc/<pid>/maps
>Well perhaps they should not have deleted it
>>I have looked some at this, and I haven't come up with a good solution
>>for this. I have come up with the following solutions:
>You forgot fix the program to do sensible things. You can pass file handles
>over AF_UNIX sockets for example, or you could rename the file so you can
>find it then delete it later
The customer is used to doing this on another operating system, and they
have a system already designed that works this way. I agree that there
are more sensible solutions, but I have to think about this from my
customer's point of view. If a simple way to do this existed, it would
save them time.

>>The last solution I could think of was to provide a way to open a file
>>with using the major/minor/inode (since these are listed for the mapped
>>files in the /proc/<pid>/maps file). This is kind of ugly, but it's
>>probably the best one I've thought of.
>Nice way to do security holes
Obviously, this would be a root-only thing. I don't think it opens up
anything more than root already has, does it? Or am I missing something?


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