Re: Filesystem benchmarks: ext2 vs ext3 vs jfs vs minix

From: Matthew Kirkwood (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 19:42:21 EST

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Andrew Morton wrote:

> > tuning? single ir mx-ir oltp mixed-oltp
> > (sec) (tps) (sec) (tps) (sec)
> > ext3 bn 1285.32 65.98 1996.41 90.05 307.79
> > ext3-wb bn 1287.31 98.42 2149.38 125.13 236.02
> > ext3-jd bn 1306.90 72.07 1813.54 125.15 305.27
> Oh well.

Sometimes better, sometimes worse. I'll kick another run
off tonight, to check that the numbers aren't too far off.

> It sounds like a useful and valid workload to optimise
> for. So I'll take you up on the offer of those scripts,
> please.

My scripts are roughly the appended, and:

grep -E '(agg_simple|Bench|crossSe|Mixed|"Sin)' dbb-tuned.out | \
                sed 's/^crossSection/cS/'

I've been too lazy so far to automate the "make it into a
table" bit, particularly because I quite like watching the
results come in :)


#!perl -w
use strict;

my $PART = '/dev/sdb6';
my $FORCEOPTS = 'noatime';
my $DEFOPTS = undef;
my $DEBUG = 1;
my $DEBUGONLY = 0;

my @FSES = qw(jfs ext3 ext3-wb ext3-jd minix ext2);
my @DBS = qw(postgresql);

my @BENCHOPTS = qw(--datadir /home/matthew/dbbench/data-40mb --short);

my %filesystems = (
        minix => { mkfs => [ qw(/root/mkfs.minix -v) ], },
        ext2 => {},
        ext3 => {},
        'ext3-wb' => { type => 'ext3', mountopts => 'data=writeback', },
        'ext3-jd' => { mkfs => [ qw(mkfs.ext3 -J size=200 )],
                        type => 'ext3', mountopts => 'data=journal', },
        jfs => { mkfs => [ qw(mkfs.jfs -q) ], },
        reiser => { type => 'reiserfs', },

my %dbs = (
        mysql => { mntpoint => '/var/lib/mysql', osdb => 'osdb-my', },
        postgresql => { mntpoint => '/var/lib/pgsql', osdb => 'osdb-pg',
                        init => \&pg_init, },

runit('umount', $PART);

foreach my $db (@DBS) {
        my $dbopts = $dbs{$db};
        my $mntpoint = $dbopts->{mntpoint} or die "$db has no mntpoint\n";
        my $osdb = $dbopts->{osdb} or die "$db has no \"osdb\"\n";

        foreach my $fs (@FSES) {
                my $opts = $filesystems{$fs};
                print "Benchmark for ", $db, " on ", $fs, "\n\n";

                my $fstype = $opts->{type} || $fs;
                my $mkfs = $opts->{mkfs} || [ qw(mkfs -t), $fstype ];
                print "making fs\n";
                runit(@$mkfs, $PART) or die "can't mkfs $fstype\n";
                print "\n\n";

                print "mounting fs\n";
                my $opt = $opts->{mountopts} || $DEFOPTS;
                $opt = [$opt] if $opt && ! ref $opt;
                push @$opt, $FORCEOPTS;
                $opt = join(",", @$opt);
                $opt = ['-o', $opt] if $opt;
                runit('mount', '-t', $fstype, @$opt, $PART, $mntpoint)
                                        or die "can't mount $fstype\n";
                print "\n\n";

                print "Starting ", $db, "\n";
                if ($dbopts->{init}) {
                        &{$dbopts->{init}}($dbopts, $opts);
                } else {
                        runit('/sbin/service', $db, 'start');
                print "\n\n";

                print "Running test\n";
                runit($osdb, @BENCHOPTS) or warn "tests failed\n";
                print "\n\n";

                print "Stopping ", $db, "\n";
                runit('/sbin/service', $db, 'stop');
                print "\n\n";

                print "Umounting\n";
                runit('umount', $PART) or die "can't umount $fstype\n";
                print "\n\n";

                print "\n\n";
                print "\n\n";


sub pg_init {
        my $dbopts = shift;
        my $opts = shift;
        my $mp = $dbopts->{mntpoint};

        my @dirs = ($mp.'/data', $mp.'/backups');
        runit('mkdir', '-m', '0700', @dirs);
        runit('chown', 'postgres.postgres', @dirs);
# runit('cp', '/etc/postgresql.conf', $dirs[0]);
        runit('/sbin/service', 'postgresql', 'start');
        runit('sudo', '-u', 'postgres', 'createuser', '-a', '-d', 'root');

sub runit {
        print join(" ", @_), "\n" if $DEBUG || $DEBUGONLY;
        return !system(@_) unless $DEBUGONLY;

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