Re: readv() return and errno

Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 16:15:44 EST

    From Tue Mar 26 18:13:40 2002

    Doesn't seem confusing at all.

           On success readv returns the number of bytes read. On
           success writev returns the number of bytes written. On
           error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.

           EINVAL An invalid argument was given. For instance count
                  might be greater than MAX_IOVEC, or zero. fd could
                  also be attached to an object which is unsuit-
                  able for reading (for readv) or writing (for

    I don't see much in the way of waffle words. If count is greater than
    MAX_IOVEC or zero you get EINVAL.

Yes, without hesitation you choose the wrong interpretation.
That is why I explained in so much detail what the right
interpretation is. Since you perhaps still do not understand,
let me reiterate:

The above ERRORS section says: In case this call returns EINVAL
one of the possible reasons is that an invalid argument was given.
There do exist Unix-like systems (not necessarily Linux) that
consider a zero count invalid.

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