queue_nr_requests needs to be selective

From: Jeff V. Merkey (jmerkey@vger.timpanogas.org)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 15:22:54 EST


Performance numbers can be increased dramatically (> 300 MB/S)
by increasing queue_nr_requests in ll_rw_blk.c on large RAID
controllers that are hosting a lot of drives.

We have noticed that with the defaults of 64/128 for queue_nr_requests,
2.4.18 performance hits a wall at 230 MB/S system wide. We have gotten
this number to approach 300 MB/S across 4 adapters (for short periods
during cache flushing)
by putting 2 cards on the 33 Mhz bus and 2 cards on the 66 Mhx bus
in a Serverworks configuration running Dolphin's SCI adapters as
the interconnect to connect the adapters to an SCI clustering

With queue_nr_requests set to 64/128, we have noticed via profile=2
that a lot of time is spent needlessly going to sleep in
__get_request_wait() with calling threads sleeping way more than is
needed. Since SCI does direct memory DMA,s we are at present pushing
238 MB/S from an SCI adapter into local cache and the cache is bursting
writes to the 3Ware adapters at very high data rates > 300 MB/S, but
only after I have hard coded 1024 into queue_nr_requests for the
disk queues in 2.4.18. We are at 34% utilization on a single
processor (no SMP) moving data at these rates with SCI.

What is really needed here is to allow queue_nr_requests to be
configurable on a per adapter/device basis for these high end
raid cards like 3Ware since in a RAID 0 configuration, 8 drives
are in essence a terabyte (1.3 terrabytes in our configuration)
and each adapter is showing up as a 1.3 TB device. 64/128
requests are simply not enough to get the full spectrum of
performance atainable with these cards.

These number needs to be increased. I cannot get any 2.4.18
system to get above 230 MB/S with 3ware RAID adapters with
the numbers set to 64/128 on these big devices. An array
of 8 x 160BG disks eats up these request queue free lists,
then the feeding threads spend most of their time asleep.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Merkey

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