Start Saving On Waste Disposal NOW!!!
Any business can save regardless of size
Pay a onetime fee to save $100's to $1,000 monthly
Can now to see how. (913) 725-9281
Who Saves:
Car washes - Dry Cleaners - Retail Hardware Stores - Motels - Healthcare Clinics - Restaurants - Service Stations - Manufacturing - Distribution Centers - Grocery Stores
These retail stores save evety month. You can to.
Ace Hardware Store:
Prior cost $333.52
New cost $182.00 (same amount of service)
Savings $151.52 45%
Onetime fee - 39.95
Net savings $111.57 return on fee paid in 2 weeks
Grocery Store in small market:
Prior cost $680.00
New cost $235.00 (increase in service)
Savings $445.00 65%
Onetime fee - 39.95
Net savings $405.05 return on fee paid in 3 days
One time fee of $39.95 no contract required
Anywhere in the United States
Program objectives:
1. Work with your current waste vendor
2. Reduce heavy truck traffic on your property
3. Reduce unsightly dumpster overflow
Program includes:
1. Review current practice
2. Survey equipment
3. Site specific program recommendations
Call Now To See How
Waste Cost Reduction Systems
(913) 725-9281
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