Re: socket API extensions workgroup at OpenGroup needs HELP

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 18:44:51 EST

> I would not mind to participate in something more open.
> If anyone has a suggestion of a mailing list which works
> in a way of tcp-implementors, but on the topic of socket API
> extensions for Infiniband, then I am interested.

You need to understand that most of the wacko DMA schemes have already been
laughed out of the IETF - things like TCP RDMA have all turned into
"this way happens to suit my hardware" "we'll we've got a patent on that
way" and other debacles, followed by other people pointing out that they
already get that performance without hacking up protocols and API's.

The existing socket API supports zero copy. SGI proved this a long time back
(Im sure Larry McVoy can give dates). The existing unix aio and real time
signal model supports all the notification needed for efficient scalable

You can also implement the entire socket layer in user space on top of
hardware that already does all the brainwork (also been done).

In fact I have a submission for what is needed in API changes. Its a blank
piece of paper right now.

I do agree and I ask the proposed chairs to comment on this - that the IETF
should be involved and if there is such a working group it should be an
IETF working group sponsored by the opengroup. That is where all the real
experts are.


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