On Saturday 09 February 2002 11:40 pm, Nivedita Singhvi wrote:
> > Would someone be kind enough to explain the difference between
> > tcp_keepalive_intvl and tcp_keepalive_time?
> > Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt says tcp_keepalive_time is the
> interval
> > between sending keepalive probes, but doesn't mention
> tcp_keepalive_intvl...
> tcp starts a keepalive timer for each connection. if the connection is idle
> for tcp_keepalive_time seconds, it starts sending probes to the other end.
> It sends a maximum of tcp_keepalive_probes each tcp_keepalive_intvl
> seconds apart, and if the other end hasnt responded by then, it drops the
> connection.
Patch to proc.txt:
--- linux/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt Wed Nov 7 17:39:36 2001
+++ linux/Documentation/filesystems/proc.bak Sun Feb 10 02:46:55 2002
@@ -1421,8 +1421,14 @@
-How often TCP sends out keep alive messages, when keep alive is enabled. The
-default is 2 hours.
+Number of seconds a connection must remain inactive before sending the first
+keep alive probe, when keep alive is enabled. The default is 7200 (2 hours).
+Number of seconds a keep alive probe must go unanswered before sending
+another one.
> not clear from the info here whats happening in your case...
> (stats?)
SuSE is being annoying in a way Red Hat wasn't. The box has a 2.4.6
kernel on it, I'll probably upgrade that before pursuing this much further
(which I won't be in a position to do until I physically get back to
Austin...) Since I've been playing with Linux From Scratch recently, I
ight throw the system I've put together on there so I at least know what
the heck it's all doing. :)
What kind of packets are keepalive packets, by the way? (I don't think
the firewall rules are filtering them out, but I can't be sure.)
> > Rob
> thanks,
> Nivedita
Rob again. :)
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