Re:[OT] windows is more secure than linux!!

From: szonyi calin (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 03:15:46 EST

 --- Stevie O <> a écrit : > At 11:47
AM 2/6/2002 +2400, william fitzgerald
> wrote:
> >hi all,
> >
> >some of you might find this interesting others
> >disheartening
> >
> >
> Face it guys, statistics don't lie:

Ever heard of a survey made on 1000 people which
is relevant for 250,000,000 people ?

> [Windows]
> Bugs in Windows XP system services resulting in a
> security hole: 1 (UnPnP)

And the viruses ?
And the older windows OS's ?
try on a 98 box
Start-> run -> /con/con

> [Linux]
> Bugs in wu-ftpd and BIND: billions

You are still using wu-ftpd ? Than ... enjoy :-))
In linux you can run a program chrooted.

In Mickey$oft $oftware you have to wait for the
patches. And wait, and wait ...

> Linux is so way worse!

Enjoy windows! Enjoy computer taking control over you!
Enjoy BSOD! Enjoy viruses! Enjoy no customization!
Enjoy spontaneus reboots! Enjoy a 32bit GUI on a top
of a 16bit OS (win 9x)

> what? wu-ftpd isnt linux? yes it is! its on
> freshmeat!

You mean every "fresh meat" == "Linux" ?
No comment

> --
> Stevie-O


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