Public patch penguin

From: Drew P. Vogel (
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 12:56:21 EST

>From what I understand, the larger portion of the patch problems come from
the question of "How much of patch X does Linus need to look at before
appling it?". In the community spirit and using the "many eyes" concepts
we're so familiar with, why is the public not the patch penguin?

Would there be any interest in a web site which hosts copies of all
current patches, while providing a way to rate the patches and leave
comments (a simplified with only kernel patches).

This would help facilitate the network of trust/cooperation Linus and others
have suggested. Aside from the 10-20 people Linus works directly with, he
and other maintainers could work with the site as the site will be a
decent filter between Linus and the public. If 95% of users have a certain
patch working without trouble against a particular tree, then the question
first raised in this email becomes "very little".

(Note: many times I type "Linus" when I truely mean "tree maintainer", ie:
Alan, Dave, etc).

--Drew Vogel

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