
From: Tobias Reinhard (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 08:12:16 EST

Maybe I am doing something wrong but I dicovered a problem with the Linux
2.4.17,XFree 4.1.0 and the SIS-DRM-Driver.

If I choose the SIS to compile as module the Linux-Menuconfig UNDEF
CONFIG_DRM_SIS - this result in a compile-error when compiling XFree. I have
to comfigure the SIS to be included in the kernel. But this is not what I
want because I use the same kernel on differend computer - but at least
XFree compiles. But now Linux does not compile because it wants that I
include the SIS-FB driver in the kernel. Another thing that i dont want! :-)

What am I doing wrong, or is that a bug? I solved it by setting up a Kernel
with all SIS-DRM included, compile X and then removed them. ATM I am unable
to test if the SIS-DRM really runs with that configuration...


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