Re: file corruption in 2.4.16/17

From: Christian Ohm (
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 19:53:27 EST

> So if I understand right, Andre Hedrick thinks it might be whatever
> driver is in the 2.4.16 kernel?

if it is, it seems to be the way reiserfs uses it, and not a general issue
of the driver itself. i don't really think this is a hardware problem,
unless anyone can give me a convincing reason why it should/could be.

> If you can reproduce it for 2.4.17 we will eagerly debug it.

i'll try, though i'm not really eager to get my files corrupted. so i think
i'll just copy some files from the old to the new drive and diff them to see
if they get corrupted with a plain 2.4.17 kernel. if they do, any ideas how
to track it down further?

christian ohm
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