2.4.14 oops when mounting a vfat partition

From: Juan Minaya (jminaya@bigfoot.com)
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 10:01:46 EST


With 2.4.14, if I mount a certain vfat partition, I receive the following
error message:

FAT: Did not find valid FSINFO signature.
Found signature1 0x4161ff00 signature2 0x61417272 sector=1.

And the same when unmounting. If I then mount it again, there is an oops.
With 2.4.13-ac7 I get the same error messages, but no oops. With 2.2.19
there is no problem.

The oops and the output of ksymoops follows (note that the kernel is
tainted because of vfat, which still doesn't have a license tag):

invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c016409d>] Tainted: P
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00002000 ebx: 00000341 ecx: c022eb2c edx: 00000000
esi: 00000000 edi: ccf5d7e0 ebp: 00000001 esp: cd337ccc
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process mount (pid: 513, stackpage=cd337000)
Stack: 00000341 ccf5d7e0 00000000 0007dfe0 c01b15e6 00002000 c023b444
       c1428e20 00000e6c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000341 c016472c
       00000000 ccf5d7e0 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 c016477b
Call Trace: [<c01b15e6>] [<c016472c>] [<c016477b>] [<c01648c7>] [<c012e689>]
   [<d08179bb>] [<d081ef4b>] [<d081f3e0>] [<c0130bbf>] [<d081f420>]
   [<c013110b>] [<d081f420>] [<c013f655>] [<c013f8db>] [<c013f74d>]

Code: 0f 0b 0f b6 47 15 0f b7 4f 14 8b 14 85 20 7d 23 c0 85 d2 75
 Segmentation fault

ksymoops 2.4.3 on i686 2.4.14. Options used
     -v /home/juan/src/linux/vmlinux (specified)
     -k ksyms (specified)
     -l modules (specified)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.14/ (default)
     -m /boot/System.map-2.4.14 (default)

invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c016409d>] Tainted: P
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00002000 ebx: 00000341 ecx: c022eb2c edx: 00000000
esi: 00000000 edi: ccf5d7e0 ebp: 00000001 esp: cd337ccc
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process mount (pid: 513, stackpage=cd337000)
Stack: 00000341 ccf5d7e0 00000000 0007dfe0 c01b15e6 00002000 c023b444
       c1428e20 00000e6c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000341 c016472c
       00000000 ccf5d7e0 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 c016477b
Call Trace: [<c01b15e6>] [<c016472c>] [<c016477b>] [<c01648c7>] [<c012e689>]
   [<d08179bb>] [<d081ef4b>] [<d081f3e0>] [<c0130bbf>] [<d081f420>]
   [<c013110b>] [<d081f420>] [<c013f655>] [<c013f8db>] [<c013f74d>]
Code: 0f 0b 0f b6 47 15 0f b7 4f 14 8b 14 85 20 7d 23 c0 85 d2 75

>>EIP; c016409c <__make_request+7c/5f0> <=====
Trace; c01b15e6 <clear_user+2e/40>
Trace; c016472c <generic_make_request+11c/12c>
Trace; c016477a <submit_bh+3e/60>
Trace; c01648c6 <ll_rw_block+12a/18c>
Trace; c012e688 <bread+30/64>
Trace; d08179ba <[fat]fat_read_super+13e/88c>
Trace; d081ef4a <[vfat]vfat_read_super+22/88>
Trace; d081f3e0 <[vfat]vfat_dir_inode_operations+0/40>
Trace; c0130bbe <get_sb_bdev+226/2cc>
Trace; d081f420 <[vfat]vfat_fs_type+0/1a>
Trace; c013e922 <set_devname+26/54>
Trace; c013110a <do_kern_mount+ae/13c>
Trace; d081f420 <[vfat]vfat_fs_type+0/1a>
Trace; c013f654 <do_add_mount+20/cc>
Trace; c013f8da <do_mount+13e/158>
Trace; c013f74c <copy_mount_options+4c/9c>
Trace; c013f978 <sys_mount+84/c4>
Trace; c0106b02 <system_call+32/38>
Code; c016409c <__make_request+7c/5f0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c016409c <__make_request+7c/5f0> <=====
   0: 0f 0b ud2a <=====
Code; c016409e <__make_request+7e/5f0>
   2: 0f b6 47 15 movzbl 0x15(%edi),%eax
Code; c01640a2 <__make_request+82/5f0>
   6: 0f b7 4f 14 movzwl 0x14(%edi),%ecx
Code; c01640a6 <__make_request+86/5f0>
   a: 8b 14 85 20 7d 23 c0 mov 0xc0237d20(,%eax,4),%edx
Code; c01640ac <__make_request+8c/5f0>
  11: 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
Code; c01640ae <__make_request+8e/5f0>
  13: 75 00 jne 15 <_EIP+0x15> c01640b0

Please CC: me in your answers as I'm not subscribed to the list. Thank you.

Juan Minaya  jminaya@bigfoot.com  PGPkeyIDs: RSA:9CC74BF1 DSS/DH:C547D845
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