OOM /proc logging

From: Samium Gromoff (_deepfire@mail.ru)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 04:02:06 EST

        Hello folks...
     After another complain on #kernelnewbies about the OOM killer doing
  strange thingss, by killing small processes when its really not needed,
  and not doing anything when its really OOM i ran out of nerves and came out
  with an idea, which i believe already settled down is some brains.
    I speak about providing in /proc list of process badnesses, possibly with
  some additional info...
    Its just a shame to have a stable kernel randomly killing processes even when
  its not needed...

  (this message was planned as answer to Linus request for any kind of VM bitchig....)

regards, Samium Gromoff
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